GCSE D&T Help Site

DESIGN TASK: Swing Tag Bag Activity Pack

 Children's activity packs are often given as gifts, in party bags at parties and are useful for trips and travelling. They are usually in the form of a bag or swing tag bag.

Here are some examples of the types of packs that are available, and the materials and printing methods used to manufacture them.

This appeared on your preparation sheet, and so is likely to come up on your exam paper.

Design a swing tag to be printed onto card, using the net above. The package will be attached to a polythene bag, which will contain a children’s activity pack, containing a jigsaw puzzle, colouring book and crayons.

The theme of the pack is the ’jungle’.

The name of the product is ’Jolly Jungle  Activity Pack’.

It must contain all appropriate symbols, a die cut hanger hole, and appropriate typography design for the product name.

It must be attractive to children to encourage them to want the product.